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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

New Plugs: Oceans

Well, this week has certainly been interesting. It's been the first week of our new business venture, we made new lovely things, and I melted a computer by plugging in a USB cord upside down (I have worked in IT for 15 years, my first day as a non-IT person and I let out the magic smoke, feel a real sense of achievement now).

Our TV series of the week is Babylon 5 as we've gotten up to series 3 of Bad Girls and it's starting to grind a bit.

Time for some new plugs (and ear studs and cufflinks).

Ocean of Rose: Plug that has its own little iridescent rose garden..
Ocean of Dragonfly: Wonderful, watery plug in vivid colours that make me go all happy-face.
Ocean of Ice: A frozen ocean with a beautiful rainbow of flashing pastel colours.

Now available in the Big Shop, plug sizes from 3mm (8g) - 20mm (~3/4).