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Thursday, 20 September 2012

And We're Back

Our little file server/back-up server died over the weekend, corrupted our data and made us sad :( We did have a backup but that drive broke over the weekend too. Le sigh. Then our shop's webhosts went a bit feral, so we had to quickly move to a new one.

But, yes, the shop has returned and it's running like a dream now (fingers crossed). It'll take about 48 hours for it to settle on the new server, as there are two lovelyplugly.coms at the mo and the internet gets a bit confused. should work now as well.

 The email address are currently non-functioning, but that should be sorted out in a few days. Never fear, if you do need to contact us then our will always be there for you.

Many thanks for your on-going patience, we really appreciate it <3