We're have returned from semi-hibernation, and raring to go at it again. We had a very busy 2016, leaving us exhausted and uninspired, and needed a break to do some different projects to get new inspiration and new ideas. As a result, Lovely Plugly had a semi-hiatus; orders were still going on but products weren't actively marketed so we could make room for other activities. We're now back and fully refreshed and coming up with new and interesting things to adorn your earholes. Like plugs! Ear hangies! Tunnels!

We've also moved from the old lovelyplugly.com shop to a brand new location at https://lopl.uk Reward points, unfortunately, are no more, but if you have any outstanding please contact us at hello at lovelyplugly dot com, and we'll sort you out nicely :) Please note that at the time of writing our new shop is still being populated with a vast array of products, so please feel free to make a special order you don't see what you want.
And finally, a blog redesign is also about to get underway, so apologies for any links not working as they should. This will be rectified in the future once the shop is all filled up with goodies.
We hope to see you our new shop, until then take care!
CJ, Eddy & Elle