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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Sitestuff: Pimp The Shop, Get Paid

Got a website? Want to make a few quid? We've been testing our affiliates program out with some of our advertisers and it hasn't broken, so we're now rolling it out to everyone \o/


The Lovely Plugly affiliate program is completely free to join, and enables members to themselves some extra money by placing a link or links on their web site which advertises Lovely Plugly Custom Plugs or specific products on it.
  • Any sales made to customers who have clicked on those links will earn commission of 5% (personal purchases do not count). 
  • You also get a 5% off coupon code for all of your website users to put towards their purchases. 
  • Affiliates are paid by £Sterling either by Paypal, bank transfer (UK only) or cheque (UK only)
  • Any one in the world can apply :)
You can find the link to apply here, and if you have any questions they may well be addressed on this 'ere FAQ. If that doesn't help, then please feel free to drop us a line.